Winterisation Cash Assistance for Ukrainian Refugees in Georgia

This programme has ended

The Estonian Refugee Council is launching a new "Winterisation Cash Assistance Programme" aimed at providing targeted financial support to Ukrainian refugees living in rural Georgia.

The objective of the Programme is to enable Ukrainian refugee households in rural areas to maintain adequate living conditions during the winter months. The financial support will be directed towards covering critical needs:

  • Paying for utilities to ensure access to heating and electricity
  • Purchasing warm clothing to protect against cold weather


This programme will focus on Ukrainian refugees living in rural areas of Georgia, with the exception of those living in the two major cities of Tbilisi and Batumi. Priority will be given to households belonging to the following vulnerable groups:

  • Households with 2 or more children
  • Households with newborns/pregnant or lactating women/elderly people
  • Single-parent households
  • Female-headed households
  • Households with members who have disabilities or medical conditions

Implementation Strategy:

Household Assessment: Target households will be assessed through the ERC Online platform. Beneficiaries must complete and submit an application form, which includes personal details, address, household composition, information about disability or vulnerability, winter needs, contact information and bank account number.

Disbursement of funds: 160 households that have passed the assessment and verification will receive 1,500 GEL (500 GEL*3 months) each at the beginning of the winter season. Funds will be disbursed by bank transfer to ensure secure and efficient delivery.

How To Receive Assistance:

Applicants must submit their applications through ERC's Online Cash Assistance platform. After completing the form, our team will check the information provided and, if necessary, notify you of the need to provide additional information via the email specified in the online form. You will be notified of the results of the application review within 2 weeks after the submission deadline. After final confirmation, our team will contact you to let you know the next steps.

If you have any problems accessing the application, please contact us: +995 555261207 from Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 18:00 or 

The decision to seek help is voluntary. The information provided in the application form will be confidential and will only be used for the vulnerability assessment of the household and programme assessment purposes. The information collected will be shared with the programme evaluation team and be only accessible to the team members. The results of the assessment will be shared with programme donors in a non-identifiable manner. If you have any questions or concerns about the information collected in the form, please contact us at +995 555261207 from Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 18:00 or

This programme is funded by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.